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Unit 2 Reading 2 Lesson 2 Academic Words

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can talk while the teacher is teaching. (True/False)
What needs to be ready at the second bell?
Pen, notebook, textbook, homework, name tag, thinking cap.
Her answers were _________ and she got full points after answering all the questions using complete sentences.
The students decided to provide ________ to people in need after learning about helping others and what makes a hero in class.
Mr. Jon will _________ to playing games if the class behaves well and goes through the lesson quickly.
a verb that means to carry out or perform a specific action, often after making a deliberate decision or promise to do so. It can also refer to the act of dedicating oneself to a particular course of action, purpose, or relationship.
assistance, support, or help provided to someone in need. It can take various forms, such as financial assistance, supplies, advice, or physical support, and it is typically offered to alleviate difficulties or address problems.
having an amount, degree, or quantity that is adequate or satisfactory to meet a particular requirement, need, or purpose. It implies having enough or being suitable for a specific situation, without excess or deficiency.
I'm not excessive, but just enough, In quantity and quality, I'm no bluff. When there's plenty, there's no strife, I ensure you lead a balanced life. What am I, this word so efficient, To meet your needs, I'm always proficient?
I'm a helping hand in times of need, When troubles arise, I'm a noble deed. In crisis and hardship, I'm your friend, Support and comfort, I extend. What am I, a three-letter word so kind, In humanity's heart, you will find?
I'm a word of action, a promise to fulfill, When you say me, it's more than just goodwill. In relationships and tasks, I'm the key, To follow through and make things be. What am I, a word of intent? Hint: My synonym is "dedicate,"