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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What vocab word has the synonyms - dramatize, amplify, oversell?
What vocab word has the synonyms - mock, mimic, impersonate?
What vocab word has the synonyms - avoidably, optionally, unwarranted?
What vocab word has the synonyms - horrified, terrified, scared?
What rude question does Julian ask Auggie?
"What's the deal with your face? Were you in a fire or something?"
Give me one physical characteristic trait of Auggie
long hair/bangs, cleft palette, and small or "no" ears
What is a simile?
A sentence comparing two things using the words 'like' or 'as'
Why does Auggie not help Henry?
Henry was hesitant to sit next to Auggie, even putting his bookbag up as a wall between them.
After the tour, how does Auggie feel about school?
He still wants to go
How does Auggie know when someone is staring at him?
By the way their head tilts
What is Auggie's least favorite subject?
Why does Auggie grow his hair long?
To help him block out things he doesn't want to see
Who is described as having a "shiny smile" and drops her eyes when she looks at Auggie?
Mrs. Garcia
What was the name of Auggie's parents old teacher that his dad jokes about setting up with Mr. Tushman?
Miss. Butt
Who went on a tour of the school without him and left him feeling betrayed?
His mom and dad
How many surgeries has Auggie had?
How do Auggie's parents see him? (hint: its one word)
What is Auggie's one wish?
To walk down the street without people seeing him and looking away
What is Auggie's sister's name?
What are the names of the three students who give Auggie a tour of the school?
Julian, Jack Will, Charlotte
Who is the student who gives Auggie a tour and is rude to him?
Who jokes around and always makes Auggie laugh, even when he doesn't want to?
Auggie's dad
Who came up with the idea to send Auggie to school in the first place?
Auggie's mom
Who is the principal at Beecher Prep?
Mr. Tushman