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Halloween Plural Nouns

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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many/much     is/are                   How ___ hats ___ there?
How many hats are there?
many/much     is/are                     How ___ ghosts ___ there?
1) many         2) are
Have/Has       some/any         ____ you got ___ costums for the party?
Have you got any costumes for the party?
is/are                some/ any                  There ____ _____ owls in the house!
There are some owls in the house.
Look! Green monster ___ _____ (jump).
is jumping
I ___ ______ (make) the love potion now.
am making
many/much     is/are                 How ___ mummies ___ there?
How many mummies are there?
am / is / are                                     We _____ the vampires!
am / is / are                                          I ___ a werewolf!
The broom ___ _____ (not fly) at the moment.
isn`t flying
The skeletons ___ ____ (dance) right now.
are dancing
many/much     is/are              How___ candies ___ there?
How many candies are there?
is/are                some/ any                   ____ there _____ zombies?
Are there any zombies?
is/ are                some / any                ____ there _____ orange juice?
1) is 2) any
is /are            some / any       There ____ ______ pumpkin pie on the plate.
1) is 2) some
some/ any                                             Can you see ___ bats?
some/any                                        There aren`t ____ zombies in the forest. There are ____ witches.
1) any     2) some
The pumpkins ___ _____ (sing) the Halloween song.
are singing