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Irregular Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I read a book to relax after work
I read a book to relax after work
I get home late after work
I got home late after work
I write 10 emails at work every day.
I wrote 10 emails at work yesterday.
My mother makes the best zhizhig-galnash in the world.
My mother made the best zhizhig-galnash in the world.
We go out on Saturday night. We go to the cafe near my house.
We went out last Saturday night. We went to the cafe near my house.
I see my friends after work
I saw my friends after work
I eat pasta for dinner because it's my favourite food
I ate pasta for dinner because it's my favourite food.
He speaks 4 languages now but in the past he didn't speak more than 2 languages.
He spoke only 2 languages in the past
He sells some handmade toys to save money.
He sold some handmade toys to save money.
My favourite football team wins in this league.
My favourite team football team won in this league.
My younger sister is a spendthrift. She spends a lot of money on unnecessary things.
My sister was a spendthrift. She spent a lot of money on unnecessary things.
I do housework at the weekend
I did housework last weekend
My aunt gives me a book as a birthday present every year.
My aunt gave me a book as a birthday present.
When I find my lost key I say Alhamdulillah.
When I found my lost key I said Alhamdulillah
My friends come over at the weekend.
My friends came over last weekend.
She buys a coffee in the coffee shop every morning.
She bought a coffee in the coffee shop yesterday morning.
The weather becomes hotter year after year.
The weather became hotter last year.