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Halloween Vocabulary

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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According to the articule (https://www.allthingstopics.com/uploads/2/3/2/9/23290220/lesson-what-is-halloween-20220904.pdf) what is the name of teh celebration similar to Halloween in Mexico?
‘The Day of the Dead
According to the article (https://www.allthingstopics.com/uploads/2/3/2/9/23290220/lesson-what-is-halloween-20220904.pdf)Where did Halloween begin?
In Europe
What is your opinion on clowns?
What does horrify mean?
What does frighten mean?
to scary
If you could be anything for halloween, what would you be?
Have you ever been to a haunted attractions? Do you think you'd like to go to one?
Tell me about your favorite Halloween Movie
Tell me about your favorite Halloween using 2 sentences.
Describe your perfect Halloween
Name Multiple Meanings for the word "MASK"
Name Multiple Meanings for the word "FALL"
Name Multiple Meanings for the word "CAST"
Name Multiple Meanings for the word "FLY"
Name Multiple Meanings for the word "WEB"
Name Multiple Meanings for the word "BOWL"
Name the steps to carve a jock-o-lantern
1.) cut off the top of the pumpkin, 2.) Carve out the inside, 3.) draw the face with marker, 4.) cut out the face with a knife, 5.) put a light in the pumpkin
Name your favorite Halloween movie
Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town, Haunted Mansion
Describe a WITCH
A older woman with a big nose and pointy black hat who rides a broom and has a cauldron
Name 5 Classic Halloween Symbols
Pumpkins, Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, Zombies
Name 5 types of candy
Lollipop, Peanut butter cups, M&Ms, Skittles, SourPatch Kids
Name an antonym for the word "DISGUSTING"
yummy, beautiful, pretty, perfect, fancy
Name a synonym for the word "TASTEY"
Delicious, yummy
Name synonyms for spooky
scary, creepy
Name two meanings for the word "BAT"
animal that flies; wooden objects used to hit a baseball