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Discover the Countable and Non-countable nouns

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which nouns are countable and non-countable? I’ve been losing hair for several years.
hair=NC years=C
Which nouns are countable and non-countable? Is there a cure for baldness?
baldness=NC cure=C
Which nouns are countable and non-countable? Your husband would have a BMI of about 35, which puts him in the obese category.
Which nouns are countable and non-countable? He used to be in good shape when he played tennis every day, but now he doesn’t get any exercise.
shape/tennis/exercise=NC day=C
Which nouns are countable and non-countable? You should wear sunblock if you’re going out in the sun for more than a few minutes.
sunblock/sun=NC minutes=C
Which nouns are countable and non-countable? I’ve treated patients with cancer.
cancer=NC patients=C
Which nouns are countable and non-countable? We love its warmth, but it has its dangers.
warmth=NC dangers=C
Which words are countable and non-countable? Most fast food is full of salt, sugar, cholesterol, and calories.
food/salt/sugar/cholesterol=NC calories=C
In this sentence. Which word in countable and noncountable? It’s OK in moderation, but I wouldn’t make a habit oF it.
moderation=NC habit=C