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El Deafo Ch 1 - 8 Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who does Cece hear Mike chatting with when he takes her microphone?
What do Cece and Mike Miller need to wear on stage?
What present does Cece's dad give her?
A curly pencil
What does Cece's PE teacher (Mr.Potts) break?
her microphone
What cool thing does Mike Miller have behind his house?
A trampoline
What is the name of the boy Cece likes?
Mike Miller
What classes does Cece's mom join with her?
Sign Language
Why doesn't Cece want to learn sign language?
She's afraid people will stare at her.
What problem does Cece have with Missy at the sleepover
Missy babies her/Missy tries is pushy/Missy tries to teach Cece sign language
What problem does Cece have with Ellen at the sleep over?
She asks too many questions/too many personal questions
What problem does Cece have with Carrie at the sleep over?
She talks too quietly
Why does Cece leave the sleepover?
She can't understand the other girls in the dark/The other girls are mean
Why is Ginny a bad friend?
She babies Cece/She talks too loudly
Who is the 2nd friend Cece makes at her new school?
Why is Laura a bad friend?
She is too bossy
What's her name? (the first friend Cece makes at her new school)
What does Cece's lonliness feel like?
A bubble
What funny thing does Cece hear when her teacher forgets her microphone on?
Her teacher using the bathroom
What doe Cece's new teacher wear that helps Cece hear?
A microphone
What do the children in Cece's new neighbourhood love to do?
Listen to the radio
What do the children in Cece's new neighbourhood love to do?
Listen to the radio
Why is Cece sad in this picture?
Her family is moving away
What does Cece learn at the special school for deaf kids?
Lip reading
What do deaf people use to hear?
A hearing aid
How does the Phonic Ear help Cece at school?
She can hear her teacher better
What does Cece LOVE to wear at the start of the book?
A bikini (a polka dot bikini)
Why does Cece wear her hearing aid under her clothes?
She doesn't want others to see
What is the name of the book we are reading?
El Deafo
Who is the author of El Deafo?
Cece Bell
What changed about Cece's body after she is sick?
She can't hear (she is deaf)
Who is the main character?
Cece (Bell)