Edit Game
Grade 5 Revision Game - Term 1 - Final Exams

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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copy or to do the same thing as others
Works of art
Which artist did not like to imitate others?
Paul Gauguin
show, display
conveying one's thoughts or feelings
Give a cause or reason to change or do something
lines that cross at one point or overlap
by way of, through
looking closely
distance around something; circumference
What is a complex sentence made of?
1 dependent clause joined with and independent clause
What is a compound sentence made of?
2 or more independent clauses - joined using a coordinating conjunction
Compound / Complex has these words:Because, before, after, until, therefore, thereafter, when, while, since
Compound / Complex has these words:For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
Compound / Complex Sentence:Because it was her birthday, Sarah invited all her friends to a party.
Complex Sentence
Compound / Complex Sentence:Samantha wanted to go to the park, but it started raining.
Common, Proper or Collective: Saudi Arabia
Proper Noun
Common, Proper or Collective:flock of birds
Collective Noun
Common, Proper or Collective: sister
Common Noun
Common, Proper or Collective: herd of cows
Collective Noun
Common, Proper or Collective: Riyadh
Proper Noun
Common, Proper or Collective: dog
Common Noun
In 1 of the 4 poems, there is a metaphor. What is the metaphor mentioned?
Maps are Keys
Which animal traversed the snow before any other creature in Antarctica?
What's the meaning of the word "traversed" in the poem Latitude Longitude Dreams?
Voyaging, traveling or moving over oceans and seas.
In the poem Learning the World, the phrase "I'm smoothing out this map, rolling it into a tube." What mental image is created?
Rolling a piece of paper into a tube and looking through one end.
In the late 1920's Georgia O'Keefe's curious nature let her travel often and paint more of?
Landscapes of the Southwest Mexican Desert
What did Gauguin paint more of when he moved to Tahiti?
scenes of Tahitians doing everyday tasks
What captivated O'Keefe while living in New York?
Where was Kahlo born?