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1B - Family Life (Future Forms), English-File In ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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- We land at about eight o'clock. - ______ I _____ you _____ from the airport? (pick up)
Shall I pick you up (offer; don't use WILL in questions with WE or I)
- Shall we have a barbecue tomorrow? - I don't think so. On the radio they said that it ____ (rain).
it's going to rain / it'll rain (prediction / prediction)
- I don't have any money, so I can't go out. - No problem, I ____ you some. (lend)
I'll lend you some. (instant decision / offer)
- There's nothing in the fridge. - OK. ______ we ______ a takeway? (get)
Shall we get a takeaway? (suggestion; don't use WILL in questions with I or WE)
- What would you like for starts? - I ____ the prawns, please. (have)
I'll have (instant decision)
- Can I see you tonight? - No, I _____ late. How about Saturday? (work)
I'm working late (emphasizes that we have made the arrangements)
- What are Alan's plans for the future? - He ____ a degree in engineering. (do)
He's going to do (future plan or intention)
- I'm going to miss you. - Don't worry I promise I _______ every day. (write)
I'll write (promise)
Shall I / Will I help you with the washing-up?
Shall I help you with the washing-up? (offer; don't use WILL in questions with I or WE)
I'm not going to go / I won't go to my brother-in-law's party next weekend.
Both are correct. (be going to emphasises a future plan or intention; will / won't emphasises an instant decision)
I think the birth rate will go down / shall go down in my country in the next few years.
I think the birth rate will go down in my country in the next few years. (prediction)
My cousin is arriving / will arrive at 5.30 p.m.
Both are correct. (the present continuous emphasises travel arrangements; will emphasises a future fact)
You can trust me. I'm not telling / I won't tell anyone what you told me.
I won't tell anyone what you told me. (promise)
The exam will be / is being on the last Friday of term.
The exam will be on the last Friday of term. (future fact)
I'm not having / I'm not going to have dinner with my family tonight.
Both are correct. (the present continuous emphasises we have made the arrangements; be going to emphasises we have made the decision)
I'm going to make / I'll make a cake for your mum's birthday, if you want.
I'll make a cake for your mum's birthday, if you want. (offer)
Will we / Shall we invite your parents for Sunday lunch?
Shall we invite your parents for Sunday lunch? (suggestion; don't use WILL in questions with I or WE)
My grandparents are going to retire / will retire next year.
Both are correct. (be going to emphasises a future plan or intention, will emphasises a future fact)