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Halloween Quiz

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What day is Halloween celebrated? (Open Answer)
October 31st
Make a Werewolf noise to win 5 points
What do you call a pumpkin with a face? (Open Answer)
What vegetable was used to carve faces on halloween?
Halloween was not common in the United States until the 19th century. Who brought the custom to America?
The Irish
The spanish
The English
The Scottish
What do we say when knocking on the door during halloween? (Open Answer)
Trick or Treat?
Before T&T the custom was called
Guising or souling
Singing or brawling
Guests or Sour
Gilding or grazing
Who changed the day of All Saints’ Day?
Pope Gregory IV
King George IV
Pope Paul III
King Paul III
Why did people use costumes?:
to blend with the spirits
to go to parties
to bring good luck
to scare people on the street
What was Halloween called before:
All Hallows’ Eve
All Hollers’ Eve
All Saints’ Day
All Saints’ Even