Edit Game
Unit 4 Lesson 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you, Tom and Jane taking photos? - No, they aren't.
Are you, Tom and Jane taking photos? - No, we aren't.
We're playing soccer at the park.
We're playing soccer at the stadium.
She's going shopping at the market.
They're skating at the park.
They're playing at the water park.
They're doing their homework at the swimming pool.
They're reading at the library.
Are they listening to music? - No, they aren't. They are doing homework.
Are they listening to music? - Yes, they are.
What are they doing? - They're dancing in the market.
What are they doing? - They're doing martial arts in the stadium.
Are Tom and Alice playing chess? - Yes, they are.
Is she watching TV in the library? - Yes, she is watching TV.
Is she watching TV in the library? - No, she isn't. She's watching TV in the living room.
What is she doing? - She's playing tennis in the park.
What is she doing? - She's playing table tennis in the stadium.
Are Annie, Jane, Tim and Mark skating? - Yes, Annie, Jane, Tim and Mark are.
Are Annie, Jane, Tim and Mark skating? - Yes, they are.
Are you doing your homework? - Yes, I am.
Are you playing volleyball? - No, we aren't. We are playing tennis.
Are you playing volleyball? - No, I'm not. I'm playing tennis.
Are you playing tennis? - Yes, we are.
Are you and Mona playing soccer? - Yes, I am.
Are you playing soccer? - No, we aren't. We are playing badminton.
Are you playing soccer? - Yes we are.
Are you playing tennis? - Yes, we are.
Are you playing tennis? - No, I'm not. I'm playing soccer.
Are you doing arts and crafts? - Yes, I am.
Are Alice and Jane playing video games? - Yes, we are.
Are Alice and Jane playing video games? - No, they aren't. They are doing arts and crafts.