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How do you feel?

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He feels ............................. when he drinks milk.
He feels disgusted when he drinks milk.
The children feel ......... when the clown does different tricks.
The children feel amused when the clown does different tricks.
Unscramble a sentence: He / lonely / when/ feels/ he's / home alone
He feels lonely when he's home alone
Unscramble the sentence: feel / I / when/ stressed ./ I / in an airplane/ fly
I feel stressed when I fly in an airplane/ When I fly in an airplane, I feel stressed
Make a sentence: feel calm / when listen to music
I feel/am calm when I listen to music
Make a sentence: feel depressed / when have an accident
I feel/am depressed when I have an accident
Make a sentence: feel suspicious / when see an empty box
I feel/am suspicious when I see an empty box.
Unscramble the sentence: proud / parents / when / I / feel / help / I / my .
I feel proud when I help my grandparents.
Correct the sentence: Opening presents make me feel excited.
Opening presents makeS me feel excited.
Correct the sentence: Watching TV makes they feel calm.
Watching TV makes THEM feel calm.
Correct the mistake: Going to the doctor makes we feel stressed.
Going to the doctor makes US feel stressed.
Correct the sentence: Cooking makes she feel relaxed.
Cooking makes HER feel relaxed.
Correct the sentence: Science makes he feel confused.
Science makes HIM feel confused.
Correct the sentence: Running make you feel tired.
Running makeS you feel tired.
Correct the sentence. Going to the cinema makes I feel excited.
Going to the cinema makes ME feel excited.