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Give at least one good sign of attachment and sucklin
mouth wide open, lower lips turned outwards, baby's chin touching breast, slow and deep sukcling with some pauses
Give at least one sign of good attachment and suckling
mouth wide open, lower lips turned outwards, baby's chin touching breast, slow and deep sukcling with some pauses
What is the rationale in positioning right side lying the infant during suctioning
promote drainage suctioning, fasten gastric emptying time
True or false: Suctioning the infant should start in the nose, then the mouth to prevent aspiration
There are four time- bound interventions in EINC please give one:
1. Immediate and thorough drying of the newborn 2. Early skin to skin contact between and the newborn 3. Properly timed cord clamping and cutting 4. Non-separ
There are four time- bound interventions in EINC please give one.
1. Immediate and thorough drying of the newborn 2. Early skin to skin contact between and the newborn 3. Properly timed cord clamping and cutting 4. Non-separ
There are four time- bound interventions in EINC, please give one.
1. Immediate and thorough drying of the newborn 2. Early skin to skin contact between and the newborn 3. Properly timed cord clamping and cutting 4. Non-separ
Give the three medications given to infant for the 90 minutes to 6 hours of life
BCG, Hepa B and Vitamin K
True or False: BCG and Vitamin K are given both intradermally
False: BCG (ID) Vitamin K (IM)
True of False: Put ties tightly around the cord at 2 cm using cord clamp and 5 cm from the newborn’s abdomen
During early skin to skin contact of the mother and baby what is the rationale of covering the newborn’s back with a blanket ahead with a bonnet.
This Prevents Hypothermia Infection and Hypoglycemia
True or false: Use a clean, wet cloth to thoroughly dry the baby by wiping the eyes, face, head, front and back, arms and legs.
False: Dry Cloth
There are four time-bound interventions in EINC, please give at least one.
1. Immediate and thorough drying of the newborn 2. Early skin to skin contact between and the newborn 3. Properly timed cord clamping and cutting 4. Non-separ
It is an evidenced-based standards fro safe and quality care of birthing mothers and their newborns, within 40 hours of intrapartum period and a week of life for the newborn
Essential Intrapartum and Newborn Care (EINC ) practices
Give at least two (2) when the baby shows feeding cues
opening of the mouth, tounging, liking, rooting
When is the best time to clamp and cut the umbilical cord?
After cord pulsations have stopped (between1-3 minutes)
What is the effect of oxytocin injection to the mother?
To make mother's uterus contracted to protect her from excessive bleeding
True or False: Do not separate the baby from the mother for at least 60 seconds, unless respiratory distress or maternal emergency
False: 60 minutes
EENC is a WHO initiative which looks to improve hygiene and infection control practices at the time of birth and etc. EENC stands for what?
Early Essential Newborn Care