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Middle Eastern Country Trivia 9A

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one country that borders Israel (apart from Palestine).
Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Egypt
How do you say "hello" in Hebrew (the language of Israel)?
What is the capital of Israel?
What day is celebrated every Friday in Israel?
The Sabbath
What is Qatar's national animal?
The Arabian Oryx
What is one natural resource of Qatar?
Petroleum, natural gas
What is the name of the holiday celebrated in Qatar to end Ramadan?
Eid al-Fitr (Eid)
What is the capital city of Qatar?
Name one country that shares a border with UAE.
Oman, Saudi Arabia (Qatar and Iran through territorial waters)
What kind of climate does UAE have?
Arid desert climate
What is the capital city of UAE?
Abu Dhabi
What is the name of the currency in the UAE?
What is the national animal of Saudi Arabia?
What is one of Saudi Arabia's exports?
Crude oil, refined petroleum, propylene polymers
What is the official language of Saudi Arabia?
What is the capital city of Turkey?
Why did the Skibidi Dop guy become popular?
For making videos on TikTok
What is the name of this famous Turkish landmark?
Hagia Sophia
What is the name of the currency in Turkey?
The Turkish Lira
What famous footballer currently lives in Saudi Arabia?
Cristiano Ronaldo