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CTE- What is it good for???

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What character did Mr. Lowrie dress up as for Halloween?
Hawk Moth
Give one example of a "growth mindset".
I can try a different strategy, Mistakes help me learn, I am still learning, I'll keep trying, With more practice it will be easier, ect.
During the design process, what is the step after brainstorming and developing ideas?
Evaluate ideas and select the best one.
What are the things called that "LIMIT" a design?
What are the things a design "MUST HAVE" called?
What is the last step in the "design process" that we learned?
Evaluating your design and results
What three views of an object does an orthographic drawing show?
When is President's Day; our next federal holiday off school?
Monday, February 19.
What is next year's class called for CTE- that would be the continuation of this class?
7th grade- STEM Innovations, 8th grade Applied Engineering
What PPE must you use when operating a hot glue gun?
safety glasses
What famous structure can you find in picture of in this classroom?
Eifel Tower
What is the name of the online, Everfi didgital course you completing this semester.
Hockey Scholar (6th) Endeavor (7th)
How many millimeters are in 27 CM?
270 mm
Who said "Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think"?
Albert Einstein
What was the safety expectations contract that you and your parents had to sign called?
The Standards of Workmanship
On our classroom rulers, what is the smallest fraction the inch is divided into?
Name both of the two day time custodians who keep our school clean and running smooth.
Ms. Randolf and Mr. Smith