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Action and stative verbs

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He______(love) this place, because it looks ancient.
He loves this place, because it looks ancient.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                               Everything is depending on our decision at the moment.
Everything depends on our decision at the moment.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                                He isn`t agreeing with you.
He doesn`t agree with you.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                         It is looking perfect.
It looks perfect.
Correct a mistake if there`s any: I 'm wanting this red car.
I want this red car.
The dog______(look) at the door.
The dog is looking at the door.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                    This flowers are smelling nice.
This flowers smell nice.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                           I don`t believe that you cooked this meal yourself.
I don`t believe that you cooked this meal yourself.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                         This picture is beautiful, and I`m seeing it right now.
This picture is beautiful, and I see it right now.
I______(see) my boyfriend on Friday evening.
I`m seeing my boyfriend on Friday evening.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                              I`m having a cat now.
I have a cat now.
You look sad. What_____you_____about? (think)
You look sad. What are you thinking about?
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                             My mom is thinking my diet is awful these days.
My mom thinks my diet is awful these days.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                           Kate isn`t wanting to have dinner right now.
Kate doesn`t want to have dinner right now.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                             The head chef is ill, so he doesn`t work today.
The head chef is ill, so he isn`t working today.
Don`t eat the spinach if you_________(not like) it.
Don`t eat the spinach if you don`t like it.
I______usually______red meat. (not cook)
I don`t usually cook red meat.
Your cake is wonderful! It____________(taste) like one my mother used to make.
Your cake is wonderful! It tastes like one my mother used to make.
Can I call you back? I _________(have) lunch right now.
Can I call you back? I`m having lunch right now.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                             The bill is seeming very expensive to me.
The bill seems very expensive to me.
Correct a mistake if there`s any:                                                    Are we needing to go shopping today?
Do we need to go shopping today?