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How to catch a witch

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who are the characters?
children in costume, creatures, witch....
Was there a problem in the story? If so what was it.
they could not catch the witch
when did the story take place?
Halloween night
Was there something riding on the back of the witches broom?
What was the last trap?
going through the tunnel
what did the witch dump on the dance floor?
What was the third trap?
box trap
What was the second trap?
dance floor
what was the first trap?
broom rebustling
What did the witch throw?
a party of the year
What is a portal?
a open circle that takes you from one place to another
How did the witch and the monsters leave earth?
Name two of the children's costumes?
scarecrow, unicorn, alien, warlock, scientist...
What did the children set to catch the witch?
Where were the children going in the beginning of the story?
In the beginning of the story, what was the witch carrying in her hand on the broomstick?
What was in the sky?
What was there too many of in the beginning of the story?
What is another word for Autumn?
What was carved?
Who goes first into the tunnel?
What did the witch bring to Halloween?
ghouls, ghosts, goblins and more