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Mexico City Bottom Up & Top Down Schemes

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What makes SCAP affordable?
Use home grown technology
What problem does SCAP address?
Water shortages
Sembradores Urbanos
Which scheme gives talks at schools and businesses.
Sembradores Urbanos
A nonprofit urban agriculture centre started by 3 women living in Mexico.
Sembradores Urbanos
The social/economic/environmental benefits of Plan Verde's 9 rapid transport corridors with 200km of restricted lanes being built for buses.
Wellbeing/ Pollution/ Efficiency for trade
Which scheme has 9 rapid transport corridors with 200km of restricted lanes being built for buses?
Plan Verde
Is Plan Verde a bottom up scheme or Government lead?
Government lead
How might EcoPark negatively impact people?
Loss of jobs for for the informal workers.
How does EcoParq reduce congestion?
Reduces chaotic parking on sidewalks/private driveways.
Is EcoParq a bottom up or government lead scheme?
How does EcoParq manage public spaces?
Reduces chaotic parking on sidewalks/private driveways.
What % of the EcoParq revenue earnings does the Public Space Authority administers for public space improvements?
How can Ecoparq reduce the informal economy in Mexico City?
Stops unregulated attendants (franeleros)
How many regulated parking spaces with charges did Ecopark introduce?
True or False: The Mercado de Trueque can reduce methane emmisions
True due to the closed landfill
What does The Mercado de Trueque encourage?
A disadvantage of closing Bordo Poniente landfill?
Rubbish pilled up on the streets
What year did the landill, Bordo Poniente close?
What was Bordo Poniente?
A landfill
True or False: The Mercado de Trueque was a market to trade recyclable waste for food after closing the landfill.