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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Her zombie costume was complete with the most gruesome details, including (have/she/nails/do) ______________________ to look like they were covered in dirt and decay.
____having her nails done______
9 It's (time/we/go) _______________________ to the costume shop to find the perfect disguises for our Halloween party, as the spooky night is approaching fast.
____high time we went______
8 In (spite/be) ________________________ an amateur magician, he pulled off some astonishing tricks that left the audience in awe at the Halloween carnival.
_______spite of being_______
In the shadowy alley, I (must/meet) _____________________ vampire because he had a penchant for crimson capes and an aversion to garlic.
I ___must have met a_____
There's (point/look) _______________________________ candy now; the trick-or-treaters haven’t left any behind.
________no point looking for______________
I wish (I/go) __________________________ that haunted mansion last night; it would have been so much fun!
___I had gone to____________
I (attend/several) _________________________ thrilling Halloween parties since 2015.
____have attended several______
Stay away tomorrow – our living room (be/undergo) _________________________ spooky transformation for Halloween, and it's a mess!
______is undergoing a___
The ...............................(wide) of the spider's web in the haunted house was spanning the entire length of the room and sending shivers down visitors' spines.
As Halloween approached, the ......................... (wealth) families of the town faced difficulties in choosing the most lavish and extravagant costumes for their exclusive masquerade ball.
In the distant, moonlit forest, ......................... (mystery) creatures howled under the watchful eyes of the full moon.
The witch's cauldron had been stirred ......................... (repeat) to concoct a potent and spooky potion.
Creating ......................... (eat) Halloween treats is an effective way to celebrate.
The ......................... (conclude) of their research was astonishing
........Scientist conducted experiments to study altered ......................... (conscious) during Halloween.
The witchy teacher has tolerated the student's antics for a spell.PUT
The teacher has put up with the student’s antics for a spell.
It's not my fault that the ghostly bus is late for our Halloween adventure. BLAME
I’m not to blame for the ghostly bus being so late.
Two years ago, Jane embarked on her spooky journey of learning English. FOR
Jane has been learning English for two years.
We've been back at the haunted school for nearly two weeks, and I still struggle to get up early. USED
We've been back at the haunted school for nearly two weeks, and I’m still not used to getting up early.
I almost always go out on a sinister Saturday. EVER
I hardly ever stay at home on a sinister Saturday.