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Causes of the French Revolution

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the Third Estate want to create?
A National Assembly
What was Immanuel Kant’s message?
Kant challenged the idea of religion. He believed people should use their own understanding, rather than relying on another person’s guidance.
What was the Enlightenment?
It was an intellectual and cultural movement that promoted reason and human freedom over tradition and religion.
Describe the Estates System.
The Estates System broke French society into three rigid social classes: the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else.
Describe the situation of French farmers from 1787 to 1789.
Terrible weather led to bad harvests. Food prices rose, along with poverty levels and hardships for a large section of the population.
How much of France’s national budget went towards paying off the country’s debt?
Where did the King and Queen live?
Palace of Versailles
Who was the wife of King Louis XVI?
Marie Antoinette