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Principles of The Constitution

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Citizens choose people to represent them in government.
Popular Sovereignty or Republicanism
Only Congress has the power to declare war.
Federalism or Separation of Powers
People have the right to a lawyer
Individual Rights
Rule of the country is not passed down based on bloodline, or military coup.
Popular Sovereignty
A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches
Checks and Balances
Rule by the people/Power to the people
Popular Sovereignty
Powers are divided between the national government and the states
The first ten amendments to the Constitution (Bill of Rights)
Individual Rights
In 2000, Americans chose George W. Bush as President.
Popular Sovereignty or Republicanism
A President can only serve two terms.
Checks and Balances
Congress can impeach and remove the President for improper conduct.
Checks and Balances
Amendment 19 gave women the right to vote.
Popular Sovereignty
States can make marriage laws for their state.
The President is commander in chief of the military
Separation of Powers
State and local governments supervise the public school system
The powers of the national government are distributed among the three branches of government.
Separation of Powers
The President and all other government officials must obey the law like all American citizens.
Limited Government
Congress makes laws for the nation.
Separation of Powers
The people elect representatives to make laws and conduct government.
The power to govern comes from the people.
Popular Sovereignty
All treaties made by the President must be ratified by the Senate.
Checks and Balances
Government may use only those powers given to it.
Limited Government
In Pennsylvania, people pay both a State and Federal Income Tax.
"We the people of the United States…"
Popular Sovereignty
Presidential appointees must be approved by the Senate
Checks and balances
Liberties and privileges guaranteed to each citizen
Individual Rights
Educational requirements vary state to state.
Congress must have a two-thirds vote in each house to override a veto.
Checks and Balances
President is responsible for executing, enforcing, and administering the law.
Separation of Powers
The people are the source of all government authority.
Popular Sovereignty