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Engine Fundamentals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Amortisseur de vibrations
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Tiges de poussée
u’est-ce que c’est ?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Arbre à cames
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Expliquer à quoi sert l’amortisseur de vibrations d’un moteur.
Un amortisseur de vibrations empêche les vibrations et les dommages au vilebrequin.
Un _____ est nécessaire pour faire tourner l’arbre à cames à la moitié du régime moteur.
Entraînement (mécanique)
Le cache _____ est un mince couvercle en métal ou en plastique sur le dessus de la culasse.
On late-model engines, the fuel injectors and the throttle body mount on the _____ manifold.
Expliquer la fonction des joints de soupape.
Le prof décide !
Which is usually larger, the intake valve or the exhaust valve?
intake valve
_____ transfer motion between the lifters and the rocker arms.
Push rods
A(n) _____ usually rides on the cam lobes and transfers motion to the rest of the valve train.
valve lifter
The _____ route air or air and fuel into the combustion chambers.
intake ports
_____ are small pockets formed in the cylinder heads.
combustion chambers
The split between the ends of a piston ring is called _____.
ring gap
Piston _____ must keep combustion pressure from entering the crankcase and must also keep _____ out of the combust
rings, oil
An engine’s rear main _____ can be a one- or two-piece seal.
oil seal
Engine main bearings are inserts that fit between the block main bore and crankshaft _____.
main journals
The _____ provides a mounting place for the camshaft drive mechanism, front damper, and fan belt pulleys.
crankshaft snout
What is the purpose of crankshaft counterweights?
Crankshaft counterweights prevent engine vibration.
The _____ changes the up-and-down motion of the pistons into a rotating motion.
_____ bolt to the bottom of the block and hold the crankshaft and main bearing inserts in place.
Main caps
The _____ are holes machined in the bottom of the block to hold the crankshaft.
main bearing bores
_____ are coolant passages through the block that allow a solution of water and antifreeze to cool the cylinders.
Water Jacket
The _____ are large, round holes machined through the block from top to bottom.
The engine _____ forms the main body of the engine.
The crankshaft must rotate _____ complete revolutions to complete the four-stroke cycle.
Name the four strokes of an automotive engine.
Intake, Compression, Power, Exhaust
Piston _____ is the distance the piston slides up or down from TDC/BDC.
The _____ is the hollow area between the top of the piston and the bottom of the cylinder head.
Combustion Chamber