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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't have a cat. (GOT)
I haven't got a cat.
I don't have a sister. (GOT)
I haven't got a sister.
Have you got a bike? (DO)
Do you have a bike?
Have you got a brother? (DO)
Do you have a brother?
Do you have a house? (GOT)
Have you got a house?
Do you have a dog? (GOT)
Have you got a dog?
In my opinion she is lucky. (THINK)
I think she is lucky.
I was bored with the game. (BORING)
The game was boring.
Sport is interesting for me. (IN)
I'm interested in sport.
I was surprised by the news. (WERE)
The news were surprising.
This book is boring. (WITH)
I'm bored with this book.
Do you want a sandwich? (LIKE)
Would you like a sandwich?
There aren't any people. (NO)
There are no people.
There is no sugar. (ANY)
There isn't any sugar.
Daniel eats cheese. (BY)
Cheese is eaten by Daniel.
Mary drinks coffee. (BY)
Coffee is drunk by Mary.
They build houses. (BUILT)
Houses are built.
Somebody ate my lunch. (WAS)
My lunch was eaten.
Somebody took my bag. (WAS)
My bag was taken.
Somebody stole my car. (STOLEN)
My car was stolen.
Kate is too short. (TALL)
Kate isn't tall enough.
Bob is too young. (ENOUGH)
Bob isn't old enough.
I'm not old enough. (TOO)
I'm too young.
Those shoes aren't cheap enough. (EXPENSIVE)
Those shoes are too expensive.
This coat isn't big enough. (SMALL)
This coat is too small.
This is the first time I have been in Paris. (NEVER)
I have never been in Paris before.
This is the first time I have been here. (NEVER)
I have never been here before.
This is the first time I have eaten seafood. (NEVER)
I have never eaten seafood before.
The festival will be in the park. (PLACE)
The festival will take place in the park.
I can't wait to go on holidays. (FORWARD)
I'm looking forward to going on holidays.
I can't wait to see you soon.(FORWARD)
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
You should take a jacket. (WERE)
If I were you, I would take a jacket.
You should go to the doctor. (If)
If I were you, I would go to the doctor.
You should eat fruit. (WERE)
If I were you, I would eat fruit.
You should study more. (IF)
If I were you, I would study more.
Let's go out. (SHALL)
Shall we go out?
We could eat pizza. (SHALL)
Shall we eat pizza?
Why don't we eat pizza? (ABOUT)
How about eating pizza?
Can I help you? (MAY)
May I help you?
She is so beautiful. (SUCH)
She is such a beautiful girl.
How beautiful she is. (SO)
She is so beautiful.
This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. (NEVER/SUCH)
I have never seen such a beautiful girl.
Sue is friendlier than Rose. (NOT)
Rose isn't as friendly as Sue.
Maria is more beautiful than Anna.(AS)
Anna isn't as beautiful as Maria.
Bill is taller than Tom. (AS)
Tom isn't as tall as Bill.
There's fog. (IT)
It's foggy.
There's a strong wind. (IT)
It's very windy.
There's a lot of salt in the soup. (SALTY)
The soup is very salty.
If it doesn't rain, we'll go for a walk. (UNLESS)
Unless it rains, we'll go for a walk.
If you don't do your homework, you won't go out. (UNLESS)
Unless you do your homework, you won't go out.
If she doesn't come soon, we'll start without her.(UNLESS)
Unless she comes soon, we'll start without her.