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Halloween quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“Souling”or “Guising”. What tradition are these words connected with?
In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase “trick or treat” on Halloween?
Canada - in 1927
What word begins with letter C, looks like a pot and is normally used by witches to brew their potions and cast evil spells?
What other name are carved pumpkins know as?
In which country did Halloween originate?
ancient Britain and Ireland
What was the most popular Halloween costume for adults (~2015-2017)?
What is the day after Halloween called?
All Souls Day
Which country celebrates The Day of the Dead instead of Halloween?
What vegetable was carved from before pumpkins were used?
What is a group of witches called?
A coven
What do you think the black and orange colors of Halloween mean?
harvest and darkness
Pumpkin. A fruit or a vegetable?
A fruit