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Convolvaceae, Solonaceae, Boraginaceae, Conaceae

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Family and Genus?
Cornaceae, Cornus
Which family?
Which family and genus?
Solonaceae, Solanum
Which family?
Cornaceae floral formula
Radial, 4, 0/4, 4+, 2-4 (Syncarpous and inferior)
Convolvaceae, Solonaceae, and Boraginaceae Floral Formulas
Radial, 5, 5 (connation), 5 (adnation), 2 (superior and syncarpous)
Characteristics of Cornaceae?
Compound fruit, herbaceous to trees, opposite simple leaves, arched veins, small flowers in dense inflorescence,
Characteristics of Boraginaceae?
Herbaceous, hispid vestiture, spiral leaves (simple or divided), scorpioid inflorescence, sometimes corona present, and gynobasic style with nutlets
Characteristics of Solonaceae?
Many toxic species, herbaceous to small trees, alternate spiral leaves, berry or capsule with many seeds, weird ramification patterns
Characteristics of Convolvaceae?
Herbaceous vines, alternate simple leaves, 2 ovules per carpel, funnelform capsule, hastate and reniform leaf blades