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Halloween Fun facts!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Besides turnips, what else did the Irish used to carve?
WHAT do we carve today to make jack-o-lanterns?
Why did the Celtic people leave food on their doorsteps?
To scare ghosts away
What was the ancient Celtic festival called?
Samhain "Sow-in" Festival
Lunar Festival
What do you perfer to do on Halloween?
Hand out candy (C)
Go trick or treating
Carve pumpkins
I do not celebrate
What is the Mexican tradition called where they honor the people who have died?
Dia de los Muertos
Saint Patrick's Day
Today Halloween is about gathering treats, but before the 1950's it was more about tricks. True or False
True, it was about tricks
What did the Celtics do to celebrate on All Hallow's Eve 2,000 years ago?
Light bonfires and dress up
They would cut a birthday cake
What did Halloween used to be called?
All Hallow's Eve
Scary Night