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Guess the celebs

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My father is a famous singer and my mom is a famous T.V host (מנחה). I also sing. I'm....
Alin Golan
I'm an actor and a comedian. I play the uncle of Nev Nev in the T.V show "Home Alone" .
Shachar Hason
I'm a "queen bee". I'm a young singer. I'm very tall and thin.
Anna Zak
He is an Israeli singer, actor. He was in the Dancing with in Stars contest.
Lee Biran
I am an American politician who is the 46th and current president of the United States.
Joe Biden
She is good at sports. She was on a TV programme. She is very strong. She has a gold medal in Judo.
Yarden Jerbi
She is a famous young singer. She was on the X-Factor TV show. She has long hair. She has two kids. Her name starts with "E".
Eden Ben Zaken
He is an Israeli professional football player.. He is handsome and tall. He was a football player in Maccabi Tel Aviv. He played in Chinese Super League and he lived with his family in China.
Eran Zehavi
I was a famous child from a famous magical movie.
Daniel Radcliffe
She is an American singer-songwriter. Her name starts with the letter T.
Taylor Swift
I am a very beautiful woman . I was the beauty queen of Israel. I am an actress in famous Hollywood movies.
Gal Gadot
He was in the “BIG BROTHER” programme. He cut his hair in a clip. He is a singer.
Ben Zini
I am a young woman. I am an Israeli singer. I like to dance. I sing also in English. I sang in the Eurovision.
Noa Kirel
I am short. I am a football player. I have brown eyes. I am good looking. I am from Argentina.