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Gateaway B1+ Unit 5 Modals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You ................be at least 18 to drive a car.
must/have to
Of course, we ............... use mobile phones to text each other or surf the web at school..
Like in my old school, attendance is important and we ..............be late – when we are, we ................. bring a note from home the next day.
1) mustn't/can't 2) have to/must
The amazing thing is that we ................. use mobile phones in class – but only with the teacher’s permission.
I’m not sure if we .................... wear make-up at my new school.
I have just started a new school. The rules are a bit different from my old school. For example here we .................wear a uniform, which is great because I dislike them, but we ............... wear shorts or things like that.
1) don't have to wear 2) can't/mustn't
‘I forgot we had a biology test today.’ ‘You ...............check the timetable next time.’
should/ought to/'d better
‘She’s going to do business studies when she finishes school.’ ‘I don’t think she .................., she doesn’t like maths.’
should/ought to
‘Do you know much about psychology?’ ‘I don’t, but you ...................ask Tom’s father, he’s a university professor.’
should/ought to/'d better
‘His essays are copied off the Internet.’ ‘He................. do that. That’s called plagiarism.’
‘I have to do an assignment on Romeo and Juliet, but I haven’t read it yet.’ ‘Well, you................ to start now if you want to get a good mark.’
have/ ought
My computer has crashed again! Can you fix it?’ ‘Well, I can try, but you’d ..............ask a computer technician.’