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G3 - Revision Units 3 & 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question and answer
Where is the playground? - The playground is in front of the bus stop.
Make a question and answer
Where is the apple? - The apple is behind the mango.
Make a question and answer
Where is the banana? - The banana is next to the broccoli.
Make a question and answer
Where is the school? - The school is between the zoo and the cinema.
Make a question and answer
Has your town got a train station? - No, it hasn't.
Make a question and answer
Has your town got a playground? - No, it hasn't.
Make a question and answer
Has your town got a street? - Yes, it has.
Make a question and answer
Has your town got a swimming pool? - Yes, it has.
Make a question and answer
Has your town got a bus stop? - No, it hasn't.
Make a question and answer
Has your town got a cinema? - Yes, it has.
Make a question and answer
Are there any peas? - No, there aren't.
Make a question and answer
Is there any cake? - No, there isn't.
Make a question and answer
Is there any fish? - No, there isn't.
Make a question and answer
Are there any eggs? - Yes, there are.
Make a question and answer
Is there any bread? - Yes, there is.
Make a question and answer
Would you like some bread? - No, thank you.
Make a question and answer
Would you like an apple? - Yes, please
Make a question and answer
Would you like some grapes? - No, thank you.
Make a question and answer
Would you like some cheese? - No, thank you.
Make a question and answer
Would you like a banana? - Yes, please.