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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who yells: "Madman!"?
Roderick Usher
Does the unnamed narrator die in the end?
No, he doesn't. He escapes
What happens with the house at the end of the tale?
It disappears.
What is the fear Roderick Usher has of his sister after she has died?
They may have buried her alive.
What does the sentence "She succumbed to the prostrating power of the destroyer" mean?
It means she is taken by Death / She dies
TRUE or FALSE. Usher's friend sees Roderick's sister Madeleine.
FALSE. Her name is Madeline.
Which instrument does Usher's friend see when he first enters the house?
An organ
TRUE or FALSE. It's been a year since they last saw each other
FALSE. Many years.
What colour is the unnamed narrator's horse?
TRUE or FALSE. The unnamed narrator has received a letter from his friend.
TRUE or FALSE: The main character arrives in a carriage
FALSE. He arrives on a horse.
Who is the author of the original tale? Full name, please
Edgar Allan Poe
Who is the narrator of the animated tale?
Cristopher Lee