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Pokemon, Descendents & Paw Patrol Trivia

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Which paw patrol character is a snow-pup?
Did Ash's Pikachu beat the shiny Pikachu?
Why is Ben married to Audrey?
They are married because love each other.
Who's ball gown is this?
Mal's Ball Gown
Why do some Pokemon have a different color?
They are  SHINY because they are different!
What Paw Patrol character is this?
What Paw Patrol character is this?
What Paw Patrol character is this?
Where do the Pups and Ryder live?
Adventure Bay
Where do the Pups from Paw Patrol gather to get their mission from Ryder?
The Lookout
What is Chase from Paw Patrol allergic to?
Cats and Feathers
Who is this character from Descendants?
Who is this character from Descendants?
Who is this character from Descendants?
What two items does Audrey steal in Descendants 3?
She steals the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter
Where are Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos from?
Isle of the Lonely
How many evolutions does Eevee have?
What is the name of this Pokemon?
What does Bulbasaur evolve into?
Who is this character from Pokemon?
Professor Samuel Oak
Who is this character from Pokemon?
Ash Ketchum