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My Vocabulary Book: Adjectives (S)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say "喉が痛いです" in English?
"I have a sore throat."
How do you say "sore" in Japanese?
How do you say "痛い" in English?
How do you say "床が滑りやすいので走ってはいけません" in English?
"Don't run because the floor is slippery."
How do you say "slippery" in Japanese?
How do you say "よく滑る" in English?
How do you say "このプールは浅いから子どもたちが泳げます" in English?
"Children can swim in this pool because it's shallow."
How do you say "shallow" in Japanese?
How do you say "浅い" in English?
How do you say "私たちは真面目な話をする必要があります" in English?
"We need to have a serious talk."
How do you say "serious" in Japanese?
How do you say "真剣な・重大な" in English?
How do you say "クニエは彼がわがままだから好きじゃないです" in English?
"Kunie doesn't like him because he's selfish."
How do you say "selfish" in Japanese?
How do you say "わがままな" in English?
How do you say "私の妹と私は簡単に船酔いします" in English?
"My sister and I easily get seasick."
How do you say "seasick" in Japanese?
How do you say "船に酔う" in English?
How do you say "ゾンビは怖いですけどね" in English?
"Zombies are scary though."
How do you say "scary" in Japanese?
How do you say "恐ろしい" in English?
How do you say "私は幽霊が怖くないです" in English?
"I'm not scared of ghosts."
How do you say "scared" in Japanese?
How do you say "おびえている" in English?
How do you say "私も同じことを考えていました" in English?
"I was thinking the same thing."
How do you say "same" in Japanese?
How do you say "同じの" in English?
How do you say "日本がとても安全だから好きです" in English?
"I like Japan because it’s so safe."
How do you say "safe" in Japanese?
How do you say "安全な" in English?