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Review - Unit 2 World History

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Besides France and Russia, what other two states began to expand and become more powerful in the 17th century?
Prussia and Austria
What was the name of the document that Luther nailed to the church door in Wittenberg?
95 Theses
Martin Luther believed that we can be saved by ________________ alone. A. faith B. good works
Name one cause of the Protestant Reformation.
Church corruption, desire for religious reform, rise in nationalism, Renaissance spirit of inquiry
What was French King Louis XIV's nickname?
The Sun King
The Romanov czar who began to westernize Russia was called...
Peter the Great
Huguenots were French... A. Catholics B. Protestants
Which English queen was in power when England destroyed Philip II's Spanish Armada?
Queen Elizabeth
The political system where one ruler has complete and uncontested control over everything is called...
The idea that rulers or kings are appointed by God is called...
divine right
What were the pardons from sin that the Catholic church sold called?
Why did King Henry VIII break with Rome and establish the Church of England?
To be able to get divorced
Which Renaissance painter painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Which Renaissance author wrote "The Divine Comedy"?
According to Machiavelli, is it better for a ruler to be feared or loved?
What two animals did Machiavelli use to describe the characteristics of an ideal ruler?
Lion and fox
A way of thinking that emphasises the agency and potential of human beings is...
Name two causes of the Renaissance.
Recovery from the disasters of the 14th century. Reconnection with Ancient Greek and Roman culture. Cities became centers of activity. Emergence of humanism etc
An image painted on wet plaster with dry pigment is called a...
John Calvin's belief that God decided in advance who would be saved or damned was called...