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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did the skeleton climb up the tree?
Because the dog was after his bones.
Why didn't the skeleton go to the scary movie?
He didn't have the guts.
What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?
What do vegeterian zombies eat?
What's it like to be kissed by a vampire?
It's a pain in the neck.
What room does a ghost not need in the house?
The living room.
What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
A frostbite.
How do you know if a zombie likes someone?
They ask for seconds.
What was the witch's favorite subject at school?
Why did the zombie become a mortician?
To put food on the table.
How do mummies tell their future?
They read their Horror-scope.
Where do ghosts go on holidays?
The Boo-hamas!
What is a skeleton's favorite instrument?
The trom-Bone
What's a vampire's favorite fruit?
What's a ghost's favorite dessert?
An I-Screeeeaaaam!
How do vampires get around on Halloween?
On blood-vessels.
What do skeletons order at a restaurant?
What's the problem with twin witches?
You never know which witch is which.
Why did Dracula take cold medicine?
He was Coffin toooo much.
Why don't mummies have friends?
They are too Wrapped up in themselves.
What do you call witches sharing an apartment?
What kind of horse do ghosts ride?
A night-mare
What do you call zombies in pajamas?
The Sleepwalking Dead
Why did the Headless Horseman get a job?
He was trying to get a-Head in life.