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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What tool is this?
vise grip pliers
What tool is this?
Vacuum Gauge
What tool is this?
torx bit
What tool is this?
torque wrench
What tool is this?
test light
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
Straight Edge
What tool is this?
Spark Plug Socket
What tool is this?
Slip joint pliers
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
Philips Screw driver
What tool is this?
Needle Nose Pliers
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
Line Wrench
What tool is this?
impact socket
What tool is this?
Impact Gun
What tool is this?
Dial Indicator
What tool is this?
Heal bar
What tool is this?
Flat Blade Screwdriver
What tool is this?
Feeler Gauge
What tool is this?
3/8 Extension
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
Dial Caliper
What tool is this?
Cooling Pressure Tester
What tool is this?
Compression Gauge
What tool is this?
combination wrench
What tool is this?
combination pliers
What tool is this?
What tool is this?
center punch
What tool is this?
breaker bar
What tool is this?
ball peen hammer
What tool is this?
Allen Socket
What tool is this?
Air Nozzle
What tool is this?
Adjustable wrench
What tool is this?