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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which fast do we fast because they broke through the walls of Jerusalem?
Shevah Asar B'tamuz
Which fast do we fast because Esther went to the king?
Tanis Esther
Which fast do we fast because they surrounded the walls of Jerusalem?
Asarah B'teves
Name the two major fasts?
Yom kippur and Tisha B'av
What is the name of the fast when we are mourning the death of Gedaliyah?
Tzom Gedilyah
Who is buried with Rivka?
Who is buried with Yaakov?
Who's head is burried in Mearas Hamachpaylah?
Eisav Head
Name all the Shevat Ha'minim?
wheat, barley, grapes, figs , pomegranate, olive, dates
spelt, barley, tomato, figs, apple,olive, dates
wheat, rye, grapes, oranges, olive, pomegranate, figs
wheat, barley, grapes, celery, olive, figs, dates
What is the last Parsha in Devarim called?
Ve'zos Habracha
Matos Masei
Which sefer has the most Parshas?
How many children did Leah have?
How many Shoftim were there?
What is the names of Yakkov wives?
Rachel, Leah,Bilhah, Zilpah
Rachel, Miriam, Zilpah, Chana
Leah, Shoshana, Zilpah, Chava
Bilaha, Zilpah, Yocheved, Dina
How many wives did Yaakov?
Who was Avraham wife?
What holiday is in the month of Sivan?
What holiday falls in the month of Kislev?
What month can be doubled if there is a leap year?
How many months are there in the Jewish year?