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Pollution Study Guide

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Liquid pollution that is a combination of chemicals or contaminants that are damaging to the plants and animals living in the environment is called_____.
water pollution
What type of pollution is a GASSY pollution that consists of chemicals or contaminants in the ATMOSPHERE that are damaging to the plants and animals in the environment?
Air pollution
Waste that threatens public health and the environment is called ________ waste.
The process of using Earth’s resources wisely and safely is called ________.
A resource that is created naturally by Earth is called a ___________.
natural resource
What is a resource that CAN'T be replaced quickly?
A resource that can be replaced is _____________.
What is deforestation?
the process of eliminating large amounts of trees
What type of pollution is shown in the picture?
water pollution
What type of pollution is shown in the picture?
land pollution
What type of pollution is shown in the picture?
air pollution
This word means to use a resource again
Anything that is added to the environment in amounts large enough to have a harmful effect is called _______.
Chemicals that are sprayed on plants to keep insects away are called_____.