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Gold Experience B2 Unit 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What advice would you give someone who is _____ to give something new a go because they fear the unknown or the potential for failure?
Is it more _____ to take calculated risks or play it safe in various aspects of life, such as career choices or personal endeavours?
10. How do you personally deal with _____ and stressful situations? Are there any strategies you find particularly _____?
(Pressure, effective)
When faced with an unfamiliar situation, do you tend to dismiss it or _____ it based on initial impressions, or do you give it a chance to _____?
(Pigeonhole, unfold)
Can you think of a time when you had an _____ experience, whether positive or negative, and how did you handle it?
7. Have you ever had to _____ for something, whether it was a job, a role in a play, or another opportunity?
In your opinion, what makes an experience _____, especially when it's your first time doing something?
How important is it to embrace challenges rather than _____ from them in personal growth and development?
(Shy away)
Can you share an experience where you faced a significant _____ and how you overcame it?
What types of _____ do you find most nerve-racking, and how do you cope with them?
Don't __________ his ideas so quickly; they might have potential.
Pigeonhole sb
Don't __________ yourself into one career path; explore your options.
Send sb into a cold sweat
The thought of public speaking __________ him_____________.
Come up with
Can you __________ a creative solution to this problem?
Shy away
Don't __________ from challenges; embrace them.
Come across
I __________ an interesting book at the bookstore yesterday.
Moan about
She would constantly __________ but never quit.
Stop __________ and take action.
Complain about
He would always __________no matter what.
Despite the challengesthe project was __________ in the end.
She was __________ to try bungee jumping but she gave it a go.
The support from the community was __________; I felt so grateful.
The final exam was __________; I was so anxious.
Dull The lecture on the topic was so __________ that I fell asleep.
The lecture on the topic was so __________ that I fell asleep.
These shoes are so __________; I can wear them all day.
The cabin in the mountains was so __________ and inviting.
His constant __________ were getting annoying
Don't let that __________ discourage you; keep trying.
We decided to __________ a tent during our camping trip to stay the night.
She had an __________ tomorrow.
Reject or ignore something or someone as unimportant or unworthy of consideration.
Pigeonhole sb
Categorize or classify someone or something in a narrow or limited way.
Send sb into a cold sweat
Make someone extremely anxious or frightened.
Come up with
Invent or think of (an idea, plan, solution, etc.).
Shy away
Avoid or evade something, often due to fear or hesitation.
Come across
Encounter or find by chance.
Moan about
Express prolonged and exaggerated dissatisfaction or unhappiness.
Complain or protest about something in a peevish or irritating way.
Complain about
Express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
Deserving of time, effort, or attention because it's valuable or beneficial.
Unwilling or hesitant to do something.
Intense or overpowering, often in a challenging or emotional context.
Extremely stressful or anxiety-inducing.
Lacking interest, excitement, or brightness; boring.
Providing physical ease and relaxation; free from discomfort.
Warm, comfortable, and inviting, typically in a small and intimate setting.
An expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
An obstacle or difficulty that needs to be overcome.
to pitch a tent
The act of setting up a portable shelter made of fabric stretched over a frame, often used for camping.
A performance or interview to assess someone's suitability, typically for a role in a play, movie, or job.