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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On what river did an airline pilot make an emergency landing on and saved the lives of all onboard?
Hudson River- NY/NJ
What is the name of the US NAVY's demonstration flight squadron?
Blue Angles
Name at least 2 students who's Futuristic Plane design earned a top 3 award.
Camila (1st) Layanah (2nd) Tejas and Ashmit (3rd)
Name all three paper airplane models we tested.
Vapor, Sky Piercer, Astral
Name the four forces that affect airplanes.
weight, thrust, lift, and drag
Where was the propeller on the Wright Flyers located?
Behind the pilot
What is the force that opposes an aircraft's motion through the air?
What is the force that is normally generated by an planes wings that keeps it in the air?
What force acts on a plane to pull it towards the ground?
Weight of the plane/gravity
What is the mechanical force called that is generated by the planes engines to move the aircraft through the air?
What is the name of the angle created by the relative wind direction and the chord line in a wing design?
Angle of Attack
Which side of an airplane wing has more curve to it?
The top side, to increase air speed- reducing air pressure
What happens to air pressure as air moves faster over a surface?
The air pressure decreases
What did the Wright brothers father do for a living?
He was a Bishop- a high ranking religious leader
What CITY and STATE did the Wright brothers grow up in?
Dayton Ohio
Name the two brothers who invented the airplane.
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
What is the scientific principal called that explains how wind moves faster over a curved surface than a flat surface?
Bernoulli's Principal
Name one reason the Wright brothers traveled so far from home to test their flying machines?
reliable wind, as well as soft landing in the sand found in the Outer Banks
Where did the Wright brother first experiment with their gliders and early versions of their planes?
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
What two jobs or businesses did the Wright brother do for a living before their airplane business?
Newspaper publisher and bicycle manufacture/repair/sales
Describe one of the special advantages the Wright brothers felt they had growing up.
Lots of books in their home, parents who encouraged them to explore what interested them
What did Orville and Wilbur Wright's dad give them as boys that sparked their interest in flight?
a rubber band helicopter