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Sequencing Words or Transition Words Grade 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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First, Rajveer,Shaurya,Ojas,Aayansh,Reyansh went to the movies. Next, they bought candy. They entered the theater.
After that,
In conclusion,
Read each sentence and use a transitional word to show sequence. Asmee played basketball at the park. Asmee walked home.
It was spring. Sharanya decided to plant seeds in her garden. First, she planted the seeds. Then, she watered them everyday. Soon the seeds grew into beautiful flowers.What happened right before she watered the plants?
She planted seeds.
She decided to start a garden.
It was spring.
The seeds grew into flowers.
Namish got a cast in the hospital since he fell out a tree. What came first?
Namish climbed a tree.
Namish fell out a tree.
Namish went to the hospital.
Arnav got a cast.
Kaiwalya gave a surprise party for Hridaan. Kaiwalya had the party at his house. All of their friends came to the party. Hridaan was very surprised when he opened the door. What happened first in the passage?
Kaiwalya gave a surprise party for Hridaan.
All their friends came
Hridaan opened the door.
Hridaan was surprised.
What happened first in the sentence below? Aarush opened the classroom door, put his backpack up, and went to his seat.
Aarush opened the classroom door.
Aarush put his backpack up
Aarush opened the classroom door.
Nishu & Shriyu are brother and sister. One afternoon, their mother had to go to go out. So Nishu looked after Shriyu. They flew a kite in the park. They had a good time. Shriyu is happy that Nishu is his sister. What happened after kids go
They flew a kite.
Mom went out
Shriyu was glad Nishu is his sister.
A: Do you know how to make a chocolate cake? B:__________, we need to buy some flour and sugar.
What are some clue words for sequencing?
first, next, then, finally
summarize, re-read
main idea, details
as a result of, therefore
Which of the following is NOT a sequence word?
Kuhu added tomato sauce.
Kuhu added cheese and pepperoni.
Kuhu took the pizza out of the oven.
The witches sold the potion.
The potion began to boil.
The witches took out their spell book.
Which transition word shows that an event happened after a long time?
Which transition word shows that two events happened at the