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FB 2. U. 1b At home

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the / car / a / wash / I / twice / month / .
I wash my car twice a month.
happy / little / is / sister / usually / my / .
My little sister is usually happy.
school / Tom / late / is / always / .
Tom is always late for school.
see / cousins / how / you / do / often / your / ?
How often do you see your cousins?
sometimes / after / TV / Susan / school / watches / /
Susan sometimes watches TV after school.
play . on weekdays / I / football / often / don't / .
I don't often play football on weekdays.
the / Arnold / never / rubbish / takes out.
Arnold never takes out the rubbish.
I never ........ the washing up. My mum does it.
I never do the washing up. My mum does it.
My sister sometimes ............. lunch on Saturdays.
My sister sometimes cooks lunch on Saturdays.
Jack often ............. his room on Saturday mornings but he never cleans the windows.
Jack often tidies his room on Saturday mornings but he never cleans the windows.
Can you help me ........... this carpet?
Can you help me hoover this carpet?
How many times a day do you ........ your teeth?
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
On Sundays I ........ the clothes.
On Sundays I iron the clothes.
On Satrdays my mum ....... the washing.
On Satrdays my mum does the washing.
I always ........ out the rubbish after dinner.
I always ........ out the rubbish after dinner.