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Transformation 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"You have broken that window, James," she said. She ________________ that window. OF
She accused James of breaking/having broken that window.
Did he make this treehouse on his own? Did he __________________? MAKE
Did he make this treehouse himself?
Did you have fun at the party, Mary? Did ___________________ at the party, Mary? YOURSELF
Did you enjoy yourself at the party, Mary?
"I may go abroad this summer," Julia said. Julia said that ________________ summer. GO
Julia said that she might go abroad that summer.
"Don't tease the cat because it will scratch you," mother said to me. Mother _____________the cat because it will scratch me. WARNED
Mother warned me not to tease the cat because it would scratch me.
"Shall we go to the beach?" he said. He ________________to the beach. SUGGESTED
He suggested going/that we should go/that we went to the beach.
"Will I ever visit Paris again?" she said. She _______________visit Paris again. WONDERED
She wondered whether/if she would ever visit Paris again.
They had made her apologise for every word before they let her out. MADEShe ________________ for every word before they let her out.
She had been made to apologise for every word before they let her out.
They have confiscated his passport. His _________________confiscated. PASSPORT
His passport has been confiscated.
They have confiscated his passport. He ____________ confiscated. HIS
He has had his passport confiscated.
Somebody broke into our house last night. We ____________ last night. BROKEN
We had our house broken into last night.
Somebody broke into our house last night. Our house__________ last night. WAS
Our house was broken into last night.
Why did he make me take this test? Why did______________ this test? INSIST
Why did he insist that I take this test?/ Why did he insist on me taking this test?
Why did he make me take this test? Why ____________ this test? MADE
Why was I made to take this test?
He will hire someone to repair the garage next weeek. He ______________ next week. REPAIRED
He will have the garage repaired next week.
I heard the door closing behind me. I heard ____________ behind me. CLOSED
I heard the door being closed behind me.
My hair needs trimming. I _______________ my hair trimmed. HAVE
I need to have my hair trimmed.
She hates it when poeple tell her what to do. She __________ her what to do. TELLING
She hates people telling her what to do.
"I'll help you fill in the application form," he said. He __________ in the application form. OFFERED
He offered to help her fill in the application form.
A famous poet wrote this poem. This poem ___________ a famous poet. WAS
This poem was written by a famous poet.
"Please, please don't hurt me!" she said to him. She _________ her. TO
She begged him not to hurt her.