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Present Continuous Vs. Present Simple

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ____ (think- negative) there is enough to go around. (present simple)
She doesn’t think there is enough to go around.
Alex ___ (cook) breakfast for his mom each morning. (present simple)
Alex cooks breakfast for his mom each morning.
I ___ (eat) fruit daily. (present simple)
I eat fruit daily.
I ___ (study) biology. (present continuous)
I am studying biology.
What is the formula structure for present continuous?
Subject + is/am/are + Verb(+ing)
What is the formula structure for present simple?
Subject + Verb + s/es
My dad ___________ (complain) about the weather whenever the sun isn't out. (present simple)
My dad complains about the weather whenever the sun isn't out.
Fix the sentence structure: as a teacher I work I really love it as a career and
I work as a teacher and I really love it as a career.
The political situation ___________ (change) quite dramatically as a result of the fighting in the city.
is changing
I ___________ (work) as a waitress for some extra money during this Summer.
am working
Correct the mistake: The weather gets colder and colder now that we are in December!
The weather is getting colder and colder now that we are in December!
Correct the mistake: My family are living in India. It has always been their home.
My family live in India. It has always been their home.
I ___________ (go) to the gym 3 times per week, because I want to look good for my holiday next month!
am going
I ____ (love) playing football. At the moment I ___for a team in my home town.
I love playing football. At the moment I am playing for a team in my home town.
When ___ you ____(graduate) from university?
When are you graduating from university?
The trains to Paris ___ (depart) once every two hours throughout the day.
The trains to Paris departs once every two hours throughout the day.
Regular exercise ___(contribute) to bodily and mental health, so I _____ regularly.
TIE that documents the first granting of authorization for temporary residence, stay or for cross-border workers.