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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is he doing at the campsite?
He is singing songs.
What is she doing at the campsite?
She is singing songs.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are telling a story.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are dancing around the campfire.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are dancing around the campfire.
What is she doing at the campsite?
She is playing tug of war.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are playing tug of war.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are playing card games.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are taking a photo.
What is she doing at the campsite?
She is taking a photo.
What is he doing at the campsite?
He is telling a story.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are telling a story.
What is he doing at the campsite?
He is building a campfire.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are building a campfire.
What are they doing at the campsite?
They are putting up a tent.
What is he doing at the campsite?
He is putting up a tent.
Why do you like elephants?
Because they walk slowly
Why do you like birds?
Because they sing merrily
Why do you like tigers?
Because they run quickly
Why do you like peacocks?
Because they dance beautifully
Why do you like lions?
Because they roar loudly
What are these animals?
They are monkeys. They are funny
What are these animals?
They are lions. They are big
What are these animals?
They are elephants. They are big
What is this animal?
It is panda. It is cute
What is this animal?
It is gorilla. It is big
What are these animals?
They are hippos. They are big
What is this animal?
It is peacock. It is beautiful
What are these animals?
They are crocodiles. It is long and scary
What is this animal?
It is tiger. It is strong
What is this animal?
It is monkey. It is funny
What is this animal?
It is kangaroo. It is fast
What are these animals?
They are giraffes. They are tall
How much is the pen?
It's fifteen thousand DOngg
How much is the cap?
It's fifty thousand Dongg
How much is the bag?
it's eighty thousand d ong
How much is the dress?
it's one hundred thousand d ong
How much is the skirt?
It's ninety five thousand D ong
where is the girl?
where is the cat?
where is the elephant ?
in front of
how to get to the cafe?
what was the weather like yesterday?
it was ........
what is the weather like today?
it's .......
my mom is
4.I /homework/do/my/evening /in /the
I do my homework in the evening.
mother/ My/ shopping center/goes/ to/the/Sundays/on
My mother goes to the shopping center on Sundays
I/ at/ 10/ live/ Quang Trung Street
I live at 10 Quang Trung Street.
father/ works/ My / the /on farm.
My father works on the farm.
Where do you live?
What does your grandfather look like?
I'm a pupil at .........
.......... primary school