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G10 Chapter 12 & 13

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is glucose that is already in the tubule reabsorbed back into the blood?
active transport
Give one function of a collecting duct?
Sends the remaining liquid, called urine into the ureter.
Give one function of renal capsule.
Receives the small molecules such as water, glucose, salts and urea that are squeezed out of the small capillaries.
Give one function of glomerulus.
Each nephron in your kidneys has a microscopic filter, called a glomerulus that is constantly filtering your blood.
A plant hormone which causes cells to elongate
A hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, which prepares the body for fight or flight
Adjustment in the shape of lens, to focus light coming from different distances is called
______ cells in the retina are able to distinguish between the different colours of light, but they only function when the light is quite bright
cone cells
A kind of receptor cells in the retina that is sensitive to quite dim light but they do not respond to colour.
rod cells
chemical substance/messenger
3 types of neurones
sensory, relay, motor
A part of the body that responds to a stimulus, e.g a muscle or a gland
A cell that is able to detect changes in the environment; often part of a sense organ
A change in an organisms surroundings that can be detected by its sense organs
Name two substances found in the blood which you would not find in the fluid inside a renal capsule.
Proteins, red blood cells
Which part of kidney does filtration or ultrafiltration happen. Clue: It is shaped like a cup with a tangle of blood capillaries.
between your renal capsule and glomerulus
The ________ carries urine that the kidney has made to the bladder.
Kidneys are made up of thousands of tiny tubules called
3 main parts of a kidney. Start from the outer to the inner part.
cortex, medulla,pelvis
How many kidneys does a healthy person have?
Humans cannot digest cellulose in our food - Getting rid of undigested cellulose in faeces is not excretion. It is called _____.
What happens to excess protein you eat?
They are deaminated, into carbohydrates and ammonia. Ammonia is converted into urea.
What is deamination?
The removal of the nitrogen-containing part of amino acids to form urea.
NAme 2 excretory products of animals.
Urea, carbon dioxide, excess water and salts
What is excretion?
The removal of waste products of metabolism (carbon dioxide, urea, excess water and salts)