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GW Unit 1 and 2 B1+

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The best type of accomodation to learn a foreign language is a __________
We often use while and as with what tense
Past continuous
What past tense do we use to say that one thing happened after another
Past simple
What can we NOT use would for
Past states or situations
We use " be used to" to talk about things that are...
Normal or familiar to us
I can't find my wallet! Have you tried calling the ____________ office?
Lost property
What phrasal verb do we use if a vehicle stops working
Break down
Respond in the past perfect - Had you bought a ticket?
Yes, I had / No, I hadn't
Respond in the past perfect - Why didn't you read the book? - Because I..........
Because I had..........
What other type of accomodation does Pitbull mention in the chorus of his 2009 classic "hotel room service"
A place to stay where you only have a place to sleep and have one meal
Bed and breakfast
Which of the following is a formal phrase - Anyway / Moreover / By the way
She can speak Polish....
....can't she
Someone who tries to tell everyone what to do is -
Pick the correct option - "Earth moves/is moving around the Sun"
Find the incorrect partial synonym - thin / short / slim / underweight
Name a verb of thinking....
Believe, remember, mean
Hate, want, prefer, enjoy and need are verbs of
Feeling and liking
Adverbs of frequency usually go with the
Present simple
What is a politer word than old
For actions that are happening now, we use the
Present continuous
For scientific facts, we use the
Present simple
What adverb of frequency do we often use to to talk about frequent actions that annoy us?
What is more complimentary - thin or slim
You can describe a muscular person as
Correct the sentence - "I'm not usually going to school by bus"
I don't usually go to school by bus