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Which muscle contraction type occurs when the muscles contract but do not move?
Isometric contraction
The goal of this is to help girls gain more energy start having regular periods & improve bone health
Female Athlete Triad
This training type makes use of quick powerful movements to build muscle.
Plyometric training/exercises
Fill in the blank: During exercise, muscles use ______ at a much higher rate to sustain the activity.
Fill in the blank: The greater the ______ of an exercise, the higher the heart rate.
What training type is performed at the same level of intensity for long periods of time?
Continuous training
The duration of continuous type training needs to last at least how long?
At least 20 to 60 minutes
You are 65 years old and want to calculate your max heart rate. What is your max heart rate?
155 bpm
This training type allows for alternating periods of relatively intense work and active recovery
Interval Training
What term is the idea that for an athlete to become better at their sport, their training needs to be different between athletes of different sports
Sport Specific Training
Which muscle contraction type occurs when the muscle lengthens while trying to move some resistance
Eccentric contraction
Which muscle contraction type occurs when the muscle shortens while trying to move some resistance?
Concentric contraction
Which resistance training technique specifically uses body weight as the form of resistance?
Term for short bursts of activity that are usually high intensity for short periods of time ("no oxygen")
What is the most accurate site for measuring pulse rate?
Radial Artery
True or False: Fartlek, Continuous and Interval Training are the main ways to increase muscular strength.
FALSE - those are ways to increase cardiovascular health/endurance
This training type involves cross country running over varied terrain
Fartlek Training
This cycle is further divided into preparatory, competition, and transition periods
What term describes when no muscle contraction is needed to take muscle through full ROM; need a partner
Passive ROM
This type of stretching involves stretching a muscle to the point of discomfort and then holding it at that point for an extended time
Static Stretching
The purpose of this is to to prepare the body for physical activity, increase body temperature, stretches muscles & increases flexibility
Warm up
During this period, athletes can physically relax & mentally unwind from the season
Transition Period
Planning that allows athletes to train year-around; good for peak performance and reducing injuries
Ability of a muscle to generate force against some resistance
Muscular strength
Stretching that involves alternating contractions and stretches - done with a partner to help
PNF- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
The MESOcycle is usually how long in length?
Weeks to months
The MICROcycle is usually how long in length?
1 week at a time
The MACROcycle is usually how long in length?
1 year
What is the term used to describe the complete training season?
What is: The ability to generate force rapidly
What term describes when a joint can be moved by an active muscle contraction - NO help needed
Active Range of Motion
A plan so specific individuals know how to handle emergency situations
Emergency Action Plan
Indicates the the body will gradually adapt to the specific demands imposed on it
S.A.I.D Principle
This should last 5-10 minutes and helps return the heart to resting
Cool Down
What is: The ability to perform repetitive muscular contractions against some resistance for an extended period of time
Muscular Endurance
Find the Max Heart rate for a 35 year old individual.
185 bpm
Calculate the target heart rate range for a moderate level activity at 50%-65% of a max heart rate of 202.
101 bpm - 131 bpm
What is: Documented management (procedures) of dealing with injuries & illnesses
Injury Protocol
What is defined as: Range of motion possible about a given joint