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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would have been glad if he (visit) me in hospital.
I would have been glad if he had visited me in hospital.
He would go to the cinema if he (have) more time.
He would go to the cinema if he had more time.
Children would run away if they.... a ghost in their bedroom. (to see)
Children would run away if they saw a ghost in their bedroom.
I will stay at home if it .... (to rain)
I will stay at home if it rains
If you had come to my birthday party, you .... my parents there. (to meet)
If you had come to my birthday party, you would have met my parents there
If James had a bigger salary, he.... a car. (to buy)
If James had a bigger salary, he would buy a car.
Lilly will make a sandwich if ....she hungry (to get)
Lilly will make a sandwich if she gets hungry.
If I ....you, I would spend a vacation in Greece. (to be)
If I were you, I would spend a vacation in Greece. (to be)
If I hadn’t fallen from the stairs, I .... my arm. (not / to break)
If I hadn’t fallen from the stairs, I wouldn't have broken my arm.
I would buy these shoes if they (fit) .
I would buy these shoes if they fitted/fit .
If you go out with your friends tonight, I (watch) the football match on TV.
If you go out with your friends tonight, I will watch the football match on TV.