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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence about what you think this person wishes they had or hadn't done.
Make a sentence about what you think this person wishes they had or hadn't done.
Make a sentence about what you think this person wishes they had or hadn't done.
Make a sentence about what you think this person wishes they had or hadn't done.
Make a sentence about what you think this person wishes they had or hadn't done.
Make a sentence about what you think this person wishes they had or hadn't done.
What film do you wish you hadn't of watched because it was so bad?
What do you wish you had done last year if you had limitless amounts of money?
Talk about something you wish a friend hadnd't done.
What is something you wish you had learned a long time ago?
Talk about a famous person you wish you hadn't know existed.
What is a goal you wish you had started working on sooner?
What is something you wish politicians hadn't done in the past few years?
What is something you wish you had in your room but don't?
What is a present you wish you had received on your last birthday?
Who is someone you wish you had seen last month?
What is something you hadn't done last week but wish you did?
What is something you regret doing last year?
What is a bad habit you wish you could have stopped in the past?
What is something you wish you had done more when you were younger?