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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Peter ....................... (think) he's the most handsome boy in the class.
thinks doesn't think
Stathis ......................... (laugh) at the moment.
is laughing isn't laughing
Myrto .................... (burn) her books at the end of every school year.
burns doesn't burn
Chrysanthi ..................... (scream) at the moment.
is screaming isn't screaming
Theoni .................... (go) to parties every Saturday.
goes doesn't go
Kostas ....................... (drive) a tractor once a week.
drives doesn't drive
Maria .................... (hate) playing with dolls.
hate doesn't hate
Nicole ........................ (fight) with Leo at the moment.
is fighting isn't fighting
Anastasia ............................. (have) a headache every day.
has doesn't have
Leo ......................... (throw) pieces of paper at the moment.
is throwing isn't throwing
George B. ......................... (owe) Leo money.
owes doesn't owe
John ......................... (chat) with a girl at the moment.
is chatting isn't chatting
Chrysoula ........................... (want) to pull Margaret's hair at the moment.
wants doesn't want
Margaret ........................... (enjoy) studying.
enjoys doesn't enjoy.
Cathy ........................... (fight) with her brothers.
fights doesn't fight
Chrysa ......................... (hate) millipedes.
hates doesn't hate
Spyros ................................(put) a spider in Chrysa's hair.
is putting isn't putting
George Ts .......................... (grin) at the moment.
is grinning isn't grinning